G’s Green Lab は、持続可能な社会、あるいは環境に配慮した社会の構築に向けて、身近で小さなところから取り組みを進めていきたいという想いからネーミングしました。
G’s Green Labは、クライアントと共に考え、一歩でも持続可能でグリーンな社会に近づくお手伝いができればと考えています。

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We all wish for Sustainable Society but it won’t happen at once like magic. We have to start with small scale of trial and error in our society to reach our common goal. Thus, I have named my company G’s Green Lab.
There are many challenges around the world. A big issue like global warming is too large in scale that it seems as if there’s nothing we can do about it. Actually, there is something we can do about it. A small village in Japan made energy revolution by installing wood chip stove to every home in the village. It’s Carbon neutral, less dependent on electricity.
Nowadays, a very talented person, who solved their local problems, has high exposure to the broadcast of the success story. Although, there is not an extraordinary person in every village, we have to gather our resources, investigate, conduct surveys, analyze and find out the feasible solution step by step.
G’s Green Lab is happy to assist you to gather information, make surveys, and find out the feasible solution.